WA’s strata management shake-up

4 November 2019

WA’s strata management shake-up

Strata management regulations are heading for a big shake up in Western Australia with proposed reforms to the Strata Titles Act.

The changes would implement new minimum education requirements, when previously there were none.

The reforms would require the owner of a strata management company to hold a Certificate IV in Strata Community Management – while strata managers would be required to complete eight units of competency from the Certificate.  

It’s a change REIWA is actively supporting, with President Damian Collins saying it is the best way forward for the industry.

“These mandatory qualifications will raise the standard of strata professionals, while also allowing the industry adequate time to adjust by allowing those already working in the industry time to obtain the relevant qualifications,” Mr Collins said.

“The tiered system currently in place for property management and sales is effective in ensuring adequate knowledge and qualifications for each role, as well as establishing a clear line of responsibility. Requiring a tiered qualification for strata management will ensure a better consumer protection outcome for customers.”

If the reforms are introduced, it will mean Western Australian strata managers will be the most qualified in the country.

Currently in New South Wales you must complete a CPP40516 Certificate IV in Strata Community Management to obtain a Strata Managers Licence, or three specified units of competency for a Certificate of Registration.

The minimum training requirements are just one of the sweeping reforms to Western Australia’s strata system, in what the State Government is calling the biggest update in over 20 years.

Under the changes, strata managers will also have new statutory duties, including:

  • Acting honestly and in good faith to the strata company
  • Exercising a reasonable degree of skill, care and diligence
  • Not make improper use of information acquired as strata manager for a strata company to gain an advantage for yourself or someone else, or cause a detriment to the strata company
  • Not make improper use of the position of strata manager to gain an advantage for yourself or someone else, or cause a detriment to the strata company
  • Having a good working knowledge of the legislation relevant to managing a strata scheme
  • Having a written contract with the strata company
  • Being able to account separately for money that you pay or receive on behalf of the strata company

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