Boost your blogging know-how

Boost your blogging know-how

19 May 2020

By Cath Dickinson

Launching a real estate blog can bring so many benefits. It gives you the chance to build credibility and trust, highlight your expertise and connect with clients.

Do you blog regularly? Perhaps it’s something you’re always intending to do, but it never quite makes it to the top of your list.

The truth is, blogging is one of the best ways to connect with both current and potential real estate clients – and if you don’t have a blog on your website, you’re really missing out.

Here are just a handful of reasons why you should consider blogging:

  • Boost your Google rankings – Adding new blog posts to your website on a regular basis will help your SEO.
  • Strengthen your social presence – Blog posts are a great source of content to share across your social networks and a strong foundation for your social media strategy.
  • Position yourself – Covering a topic in detail in a blog post allows you to share your knowledge and establish a reputation as a subject matter expert.
  • Interact with your audience – Blog posts encourage readers to leave comments and engage with you, which helps to build relationships both online and offline.
  • Highlight your knowledge – Blog posts are generally knowledge-based not promotional, so your audience won’t be turned off by a sales pitch.

So where do you start? Here are five helpful tips to help you write and maintain a successful real estate blog that will help you generate new leads and keep current clients well informed.

Remember, the time spent on your real estate blog is well spent, allowing you to build a strong client base by providing interesting and reliable content. Happy posting!

1. Make your headlines count

Start each blog post with an attention-grabbing headline. Legendary advertising executive David Ogilvy said: “On average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy.” So the strength of your headlines can be the difference between a real estate blog that drives business and one that goes completely unnoticed.

The primary purpose of your headline is to get the first sentence of your blog read. It’s the first thing your audience will notice. Make it count!

Try using enticing, interesting, awe-inspiring adjectives in your headline to pique your audience’s curiosity so they are compelled to read the entire post. Or experiment with a ‘you need this information now’ headline to convince them that if they don’t read on, they’ll miss out.

If possible, include keyword phrases in your headline to help get your blog post ranked well by the Google gods.

“Your readers will also expect information about what’s happening in your local area. Being able to demonstrate an intimate knowledge of the area will impress your audience and keep them coming back.”

2. Use a layout that easy to read

Most visitors to your blog won’t start by reading your post word-for-word. Disappointing, but true. So how do you ensure they’re drawn in and keep reading?

Start by avoiding large blocks of copy. Use paragraph breaks, bullet points and numbered lists to break up your blog post to make it easier for your audience to digest. Varying your sentence lengths also helps.

Aim for around 400-500 words. Remember, attention spans are not what they used to be – particularly with online content – and your readers want to take in the information they need, fast. If your blog topic lends itself to a longer treatment, try breaking it down into a series of posts. This has the benefit of bringing readers back to your blog.

3. Facts and figures are your friends

We all love facts and figures, and potential buyers and sellers are thirsty for them.

Blogging about new and interesting statistics from the latest housing, mortgage and economic reports plays a critical role in click-through rates. It shows you’re on top of what’s happening in the market and positions you as an expert.

But it’s not just about sharing median house prices and vacancy rates. Your readers will also expect information about what’s happening in your local area. Being able to demonstrate an intimate knowledge of the area will impress your audience and keep them coming back.

“Make your writing friendly and easy to read. Write like you’re talking to a friend. This will connect you with your readers on a more personal level and encourage them to visit your blog again and again. Don’t be afraid to show some personality.”

4. Engage your audience

Focus on the topics your audience is interested in. Market reports, neighbourhood profiles, community events, latest sales, handy tips, Q&A’s – the list goes on.

More and more, people Google hot topics to learn more and if you have posts on your blog covering these topics, your odds of engaging your audience are higher. Giving your readers valuable information will keep them coming back for more.

You can discover the topics your audience is interested in by asking them. Send an email to a select group of clients and leads to learn what they want to read about. This kind of feedback is key. Simply guessing your audience’s preferences won’t do much to improve your blog traffic, because you’re not giving them what they’re looking for.

5. Develop your own distinctive style

Writing a real estate blog doesn’t have to be boring. Make your writing friendly and easy to read. Write like you’re talking to a friend. This will connect you with your readers on a more personal level and encourage them to visit your blog again and again. Don’t be afraid to show some personality.

And remember to write about things you’re passionate about and what interests you. It doesn’t have to be all about real estate, all the time. Your readers will appreciate getting to know more about you and what makes you tick.

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