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Presentation Disclaimer

Last updated:13 October 2020

This presentation, seminar or training (as applicable) and all information and documents in any oral, hardcopy or electronic form prepared specifically for it (collectively, Information) has been prepared by, or on behalf of, The Real Estate Institute of New South Wales Limited ABN 51 000 012 457 (REINSW). It is given in summary form and REINSW does not warrant or represent that the Information is accurate, current or complete. The Information is general information only and is not, and is not intended as, professional or legal advice to a user. A user requiring information other than that of a general nature in relation to, in connection with or referred to in the Information, must obtain independent professional advice relevant to their own particular circumstances. The Information may include the views or recommendations of third parties and does not necessarily reflect the views of REINSW or indicate a commitment to a particular course of action. REINSW is not liable or responsible to any person for any injury, loss or damage of any nature whatsoever arising from or incurred by the use of, reliance on or interpretation of the Information. Any unauthorised use of the Information is strictly prohibited. A user is not authorised to copy, circulate, disclose, disseminate or distribute the Information, either whole, or in part, to any third party, unless first explicitly agreed by REINSW.