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Sydney’s $1 million median led from bottom up

27 July 2015

The increase in the Sydney median house price to over $1 million has been caused by price growth in Sydney’s West and South, according to the Real Estate Institute of New South Wales.

REINSW President Malcolm Gunning said prices have increased from the bottom up which has seen the median house price rise.

“We have seen significant growth in Sydney at the lower end of the scale which has in turn driven the median house price above $1 million,” Mr Gunning said.

“Inner city suburbs prices would seem to be starting to level out. The Shire is seeing keen interest, as well as areas in Sydney’s West.

“The median house price will continue to rise, as those seeking to purchase a property are drawn to more affordable areas.

“Sydney is an international city and the allure of its beaches and high job growth areas will continue to support increased prices especially while interest rates remain at record lows,” Mr Gunning said.

The Domain Group House Price Report for the June Quarter saw the median house price in Sydney up 8.6 per cent to $1,000,616.

For further information or to arrange an interview with REINSW President Malcolm Gunning, contact Helen at [email protected] or 0419 642 961.