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New code to develop housing options

14 May 2018

A new code has been introduced by the NSW Government to ‘make it easier to develop versatile, well-designed and more affordable’ low-rise medium density housing.

The Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code and Low Rise Medium Density Design Guide aim to allow medium density housing to be built under a fast track complying development approval system.

Minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts, said: “The need for more high-quality medium sized homes comes as population projections estimate metropolitan Sydney will need another 725,000 homes to accommodate an extra 1.7 million people by 2036.

“Low-rise medium density housing is the missing part of the NSW housing stock between traditional free-standing homes and strata-titled apartments.

“The Code and Design Guide will encourage the market to provide more diverse housing options by making it easier to build well-designed, quality medium density homes that respect existing neighbourhoods.”

Proposed two-storey building height limits will ensure the size and scale of complying development is low rise and will fit into established streetscapes.

The Medium Density Design Guide aims to improve the design of medium density housing by addressing layout, landscaping, private open space, light, natural ventilation and privacy.

The new code will only apply in areas where councils have already permitted medium density housing under their Local Environmental Plan. A three-month deferred commencement period will apply to the Code and Design Guide to allow councils and industry time to prepare for the new changes.

For more information on the code and design guide, visit here.