Consumer News

New strata laws affect the way we live

28 November 2016

By Tim McKibbin – REINSW CEO

The largest strata law reform in over 40 years will finally begin on 30 November 2016, which will affect the way people live in strata complexes.

These changes have been a long time in coming, having taken five years, three false starts and over 3,000 submissions.

There are approximately 90 changes and some of the most talked about relate to dissolving the strata with a 75% majority, parking, passive smoking and pets.

As a result owners corporations will be able to choose to allow parking officers into their schemes to issue fines to rogue parkers, consider smoke drift as a nuisance or hazard, but not unreasonably refuse a request to keep a pet.

The current laws are outdated and don't reflect contemporary living. The reforms will help make strata more suitable for modern day living.